Mitigation Strategies

Hibernaculum, Ben Moore 1/1
Once surveys are complete and the effects of a development assessed, NWS can create and implement a mitigation strategy for developments. This can cover:
  • Method Statements – these describes how work shall proceed while minimising the risk to protected species.
  • Licence applications – we can apply for appropriate licences where work will harm or displace protected species. This includes European Protected Species Mitigation Licences for bats and great crested newt, and licences for the displacement of water voles.
  • Implementation of mitigation on site - including on site observations, toolbox talks, inspections, soft demolitions, capture and relocation of individuals.
  • Construction Environmental Management Plan (CEMP) - we can compile this and offer an Ecological Clerk of Works service to implement it on site.
  • Post-construction monitoring – surveys post construction to monitor impacts.