How do you tell the difference between a bank vole and a field vole?

Both have a blunt nose, smaller ears and much shorter tail than mice.

Field voles have greyish-brown fur covering most of their body but have a paler grey underside. They have a very short tail which equates to approx 30% of the body length. Their ears are half hidden whereas those of a bank vole are more visible. Length is 10-13 cm. They mainly inhabit grassy fields but can also be found in open woodland.

Bank voles are the smallest of the UK voles at only approx 9cm in length. They have a rich red-brown back and creamy grey underside giving a distinct 2-tone effect. The ears are more visible than on a field vole but are still quite small, certainly smaller than those of a mouse. The tail is approx 50% of the body length. They inhabit broadleaved woodland, scrubland and hedgerows.