
Plants are all around us and are an integral part of our lives; they fill our fields and hedgerows with greenery, our woodlands and verges with bright colour and the air with their fragrance. Norfolk has more than 1,000 species of wild flowering plants; these include grasses, sedges and rushes as well as trees and shrubs, which are simply large flowering plants. In addition there are many species of non-flowering plants, ranging from tiny mosses and liverworts to the larger more obvious ferns. Wild plants were once commonly gathered for food and to provide natural remedies.
Common poppy, by David North

Questions & advice

When is the best time of year to cut my hedge??
Are there any wildlife friendly plants I can grow between the cracks of my patio slabs?
How do I get mistletoe to grow on a tree in my garden?
How valuable is ivy for wildlife ?
Are hedgerows being damaged by mechanical cutting?
Why are there no berries on my mistletoe plant?
Can I remove a hedgerow?
How can I encourage bee orchids to stay in the garden?
How do I plant a wildlife friendly hedge?
Why are flowers such as corncockles and cornflowers now so rare?
Himalayan balsam How do I recognise it?
Giant Hogweed How do I recognise it?
Japanese knotweed How do I recognise it?
What are the best plants for nighttime scent?
Does ivy damage trees?