Credit Bob Carpenter 1/6
Redshank and Turnstone by Bob Carpenter 2/6
Credit Elizabeth Dack 3/6
Credit John Goldsworthy 4/6
Credit John Assheton 5/6
Credit Nick Goodrum 6/6

Redshank Tringa tetanus

The redshank lives up to its name as it sports a distinctive long, bright red legs! It is a large sandpiper, which can be seen feeding in shallow water in Norfolk on marshes, mudflats and coastal wetlands. It breeds in open marshes, mires and saltmarshes.  
The other name for redshanks is sentinels of the marshes. This refers to the fact that they can often be seen posing on fence posts watching over the land, and if disturbed will give a distinctive call as they fly away.

Conservation status

Classified in the UK as Amber under the Birds of Conservation Concern 4: the Red List for Birds (2015).

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Did you know? A redshank is also a plant that has a long, red stem.
The base of a redshank nest is built by the male and the female lines it with twigs and leaves.
How to recognise
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