Protected Species Survey: Badgers

Badger, Andrew Parkinson 1/1
Badgers are strictly protected under the Protection of Badgers Act 1992 and the Wildlife and Countryside Act 1981 (as amended).

Initial survey

During a Preliminary Ecological Appraisal (PEA) our licenced ecologists will assess a site and areas immediately surrounding it, for its suitability to support badger. This includes searching for setts, snuffle holes, footprints, latrines, guard hairs and runs. If field signs suggest badger are using the site then our ecologists recommend a presence/likely absence survey.

Further surveys

If the initial survey suggests badgers are using the site then a camera trap survey will be undertaken to confirm the level of activity and status of setts. During these surveys, automatically triggered cameras are placed in front of entrance holes or regularly used runs.


Once a survey is complete, a full impact assessment of the proposed development on badger is made and an appropriate mitigation strategy devised. This may involve working with clients on site design and layout, or working under a Method Statement to fence off areas to prevent disturbance and destruction of setts. If destruction of a sett is unavoidable, a licence from Natural England is required.