Harebells by Angela Broadberry 1/4
Harebell, Cut-Off-Channel, Norfolk, Andrina Walmsley 2/4
Harebell, Beckham, David North 3/4
Harebell, Cutt-Off-Channel, Norfolk, Andrina Walmsley 4/4

Harebell Campanula rotundifolia

The widely distributed harebell is easily identifiable by its fragile blue flowers that are shaped like bells and heart shaped leaves. Harebells generally grow in clumps which flower during July to September.

Conservation status

Not threatened and widely distributed. Harebells have probably declined in many parts of Norfolk. Like many once common wildflowers loss of habitat has been a major factor. Many grasslands and heaths where harebells formerly grew have been ploughed up. In other places, lack of grazing has allowed areas to become invaded by scrub and woodland shading out the harebells.

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Did you know?

The harebell served as the inspiration for this Emily Dickinson poem.

Did the harebell loose her girdle
To the lover bee,
Would the bee the harebell hallow
Much as formerly?

Did the paradise, persuaded,
Yield her moat of pearl,
Would the Eden be Eden,
Or the earl an earl?

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